
Showing posts from May, 2013

Art Trading Card

 I like to paint whimsical aceo's. I would say that 90 % of the art I put on the little trading cards are fun little images. Painting the small trading cards gives me a break form large work and allows me to play. I think art should always be fun. These trading cards are available at my Etsy store and also on my Ebay store.

Dance Shoe painted in watercolors

Dance Shoe 12x9 watercolor on 140 lb watercolor paper If you were a little girl who just wanted to dance then you will remember looking at pointe shoes. This painting is available this week on ebay . The bidding starts today at 99 cent.

Chicken and Bees

It is a warm day down on the farm. The bee's are buzzing around.  Sometimes a chicken just has to get up and take a walk. Gee Whiz I wish that bee would bug off. I  Bee Annoying This is an original watercolor painted on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper. It is 12x9. This whimsical watercolor is available at Ebay auction starting at 99 cents . Happy bidding and don't bee annoyed. Thank you from the Pig Ā© 2004-2011 Delilah Smith,Art by Delilah