
Showing posts from January, 2014

Valentine Candy Painting

Bee Mine 9x12 Click here to buy These little  bees have found something sweet. Get something sweet for yourself. All Work Ā©2006-20014 Art by Delilah


Seahorse No. 3 About This Painting: Seahorse No. 3 12x9 watercolor painting art Media: watercolor Size: 9 in X 12 in (22.9 cm X 30.5 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email All Work Ā©2006-20014 Art by Delilah


Exploring New Worlds About This Painting: Exploring New Worlds 9x12 watercolor 200 lb watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email

Big Eyed Owls

Whimsical Big eyed owls sit on a limb. Big Eyed Owls 9x12  Watercolor Click here to buy People often ask me how do I keep inspired when I paint everyday. For me it's so easy I just always have fun

Sweet Heart

Sweet Heart About This Painting: Sweet Heart watercolor 9x9 Media: watercolor Size: 9 in X 9 in (22.9 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $30 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $30 USD plus $5 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Green Peppr watercolor painitng

Stretching your watercolor paper has certain aesthetic advantages. You'll end up with a perfectly flat surface on which to work. This surface will stay relatively flat as you work and the finished painting will dry perfectly flat. The only disadvantage is that it takes some effort and dedication to do it consistently. Any paper of less than #300 weight is bound to warp according to the amount of water absorbed in the painting process. Synthetic papers generally do not warp at all. Watercolor paper in prepared blocks will dry flat also, if left on the block to dry I use 140 lb paper for the paintings that I sell on ebay so I almost always stretch it.  I find 90 lb. paper is too flimsy for serious watercolor work. When I use 300 lb. paper it doesn't require stretching, but it is expensive so I use the 140 most of the time but love to paint on 300 lb when I am really working on a large painting I use 300 or 200 lb paper.  When Stretching watercolor paper I allow 1ā€ for g...

Blue Hydrangea

Blue Hydrangea water color  9x12 Available at my ebay store Delilah's Art Click here to buy.

Long Neck Ostrich

Long Neck Ostrich About This Painting:  If youā€™re after rich, dripping , pure color and brilliant lights, then you might consider trying this dark-to-light approach to watercolor. This system calls for painting the darkest darks first, sliding into the middle values, and saving the lights as stark white paper. In addition, thereā€™s no need to premix paints. Just lay in pure , intense colors and let them mix on the paper. Long Neck Ostrich 10x10 watercolor painting on 140 lb watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 10 in X 10 in (25.4 cm X 25.4 cm) Price: $50 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $50 USD plus $8 USD s/h Or, send me an email