Raven Feather 9x6 watercolor Click here to Buy I painted some of this feather wet in wet. Wet-in-wet watercolor technique is at times frustrating, but always exciting . I find one of the hardest parts in working exclusively in this technique is knowing when to stop. You cannot get fine details initially and as you keep working the previous washes and continue to spread, mix, and mingle your paint you may muddy some colors if you are not careful. So I laid down the black and mixed so purple into it while it was still wet. I then let this dry completely. I went back in with a fine brush and added more black,some blue, and just a little Quianacridone Magenta for drama. "post your opinion in the comments" Or, send me an email Thank You: Art by Delilah, with a Passion for Painting All Images Ā© 2006-2019 All Work Ā©2006-2019 Art by Delilah