
Showing posts from 2008

Roots No 8 (click here to Buy)

Roots No. 8 12x9 watercolor on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper I'm back adding to my "Roots" series again. These fun little vegetables are a joy to paint. The best part is I get to eat them when I'm done.


Allium 12x9 watercolor on 140 lb watercolor paper Description of artwork There are hundreds of alliums, including the onions and garlic we eat. The ornamental varieties often have leaves similar to onions, as well as the onionā€™s round ball shaped flower heads. However there are many varieties with star-like clusters of flowers This work will be shipped in a clear acid free bag to protect your investment Title: Allium Style: realism Size: 12x9 Colors: purple,yellow,orange,brown,green,blue,pink Matted: yess. this painting come in 14x11 white acid free matt. Medium: watercolor Support: 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper

Oak Leaves

Oak Leaves watercolor on 140 lb coldpressed watercolor paper

Mason Jar and Blackeyed Susans

Mass-produced glass canning jars, also known as Mason jars after their inventor John L. Mason , Ball jars after one of the earliest manufacturers of the jars, and fruit jars because they were used to store fruit, have been manufactured since the early 1850s. [1] An earlier British jar is known as the Kilner jar . Mason jars are made of soda-lime glass , and come in a variety of sizes including quart , pint , half- gallon , and cup sizes, as well as in wide-mouth and regular mouth shapes. This Mason Jar is filled with black eyed susans. The painting is a watercolor and is 12x9 on 140 lb watercolor paper.

Three Peppers no 2

Three Peppers No2 watercolor on 140lb watercolor paer

Stawberries and Vegetables

Strawberries and Vegetables 12x9 watercolor on 140 lb coldpressed paper

Can of Flowers

Can of Flowers 12x9 watercolor on 140 lb coldpressed watercolor paper An old can full of flowers with a humming bird and tomatoes, the end of summer.

VanGogh Sunflowers No.2

VanGogh Sunflowers No.2 About This Painting: VanGogh Sunflowers No.2 12x9 Acrylic on 140 lb watercolor paper Media: acrylic Size: 9 in X 12 in (22.9 cm X 30.5 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Butterfly and Poppies

Bright colored yellow poppies and a butterfly done in watercolor. 5.5x8.5 watercolor on 140 lb coldpress watercolor paper I hope you enjoy it. This piece is now available at auction. Click here for purchase information

Queen Ann's Lace No 3

Queen Anns Lace no 3 12x9 watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper

Queen Anns Lace No.2

Queen Anns Lace No. 2 watercolor on 140 lb watercolor paper 12x9

Wine and Cherries

Wine and Cherries 12x9 watercolor on 140 lb coldpress watercolor paper.

Heirloom Tomatos- SOLD

Heirloom Tomatos About This Painting: Heirloom Tomatos 6x9 watercolor on 140 lb watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 9 in X 6 in (22.9 cm X 15.2 cm) SOLD

Cherry Wine

Cherry Wine 9x12 watercolor on coldpressed watercolor paper

Painting Give away for September

The winner of the painting give away for September is Thivia. she wrote: Dear Delilah, I am a writer and would love to have that feather painting of yours! To me, it represents all that the pen can achieve: creativity, intelligence, love, power, and more love! My boyfriend and me are in a long distance relationship and in today's world when everything is so digitalized and fast-paced, I still take the time to write him love letters and that's exactly what your painting of that feather is to me. It means so much more than just a feather. It is absolutely stunning! I am such a fan of your work. There is not a day that passes that I don't stop by your blog to watch your creations. It's inspiring how you churn so many paintings so fast! I've been stuck on a watercolor painting for over 2 weeks now. I wish I had the perseverance you have! Anyway, congratulations on your gorgeous pieces! It's a pleasure to visit your site. Thivia Thank you for the kind words and Ihop...

Cherokee Spirit

Cherokee Spirit 12x9

Today is the give away for the month

Feather 5.5x8.5 watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Purple Iris 5.5x8.5 watercolor on 140 lb watercolor paper Green Vase 8x6 Oil on canvas mounted on a RayMar panel Today is the day of the free give away. You have 48 hours to email me with your choice of the three paintings shown. Anyone may enter for a chance to win. I will need you email and your, name and address. I do not share this information. You do not need to be a US resident to enter you do need to be 18 years of age or older( I do not ask your age).

Fruit on the Table

Today is not the day of the free give away. Fruit on the Table 9x12 watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper Today is not the day of the free give away

Trio Of Peppers

Trio Of Peppers 9x12 watercolor on 140 lb coldpressed watercolor paper

Tropical Leaves (click here to buy)

Tropical Leaves 12x9 watercolor on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Today is not the day of the free give away.

Forget-Me-Nots Alaska State Flower

Forget Me Nots Alaska's state flower is the alpine forget-me-not. It was chosen in 1949. The alpine forget-me-not is a perennial that grows 5 to 12 inches high in alpine meadows. The flowers have five connected salviform petals, colored sky blue, that are a quarter to a third of an inch wide. They have a white inner ring and a yellow center. The best time to see the alpine forget-me-not is midsummer, from late June to late July. 12x9 Description of artwork This work will be shipped in a clear acid free bag to protect your investment Title: Forget Me Nots Style: realism Size: 12x9 Colors: blue,gray,green Matted: yes in an acid free 14x11 white matt Medium: watercolor Support: 140lb coldpressed water color paper Shipping: USPS Priority Ready to Hang: no needs to be framed Signature: Always Signed . Today is not the day of the Free Give away

Camellia (click here to bid)

Camellia State Flower of Alabama The Camellia produces flowers up to 5 in (12.7 cm) wide with yellow centers and rounded overlapping petals, much like a rose. The flowers are prized, but so are the glossy leaves that stay a deep, shiny green all year. It is a slow grower, but eventually will reach up to 20 ft (6.1 m) tall. Camellias flower from late winter to early spring. Over 3,000 varieties, cultivars and hybrids of Camellia state flower is the only symbol not native to Alabama. It's from Asia. Camellias are named for G.J. Kamel, a Jesuit priest who traveled in Asia in the seventeenth century. The introduction of Camellia japonica L. in Italy is dated about 1760, but only during the XIXth century this species became popular. Many Italian nurserymen started growing Camellias at that time and soon this business became of remarkable importance. In two areas, the Lucchesia (Tuscany) and the lake Maggiore zone, camellia production was famous, due to the local nurserymen, breeders, a...

Butterfly and Cone Flower (click here to Bid)

SOLD Today is not the day of the free give away, check back again. Description of artwork : This work will be shipped in a clear acid free bag to protect your investment Title: Butterfly and Coneflower Style: realism Size: 12x9 Colors: pink,fuschia,blue,yellow,green Matted:yes, white acid free matt Medium:watercolor Support:140lb watercolor paper Shipping: USPS Priority Ready to Hang:no needs to be framed Signature: Always Signed .

Marsh Land

Marsh Land About This Painting: Today is not the day of the free give away. Marsh Land 9x12 acrylic on paper Media: acrylic Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

At the Point

At the Point About This Painting: Today is not the day of the free give away. At the Point Acrylic on paper 9x12 Media: acrylic Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Beach Diva #2

Beach Diva #2 About This Painting: Beach Diva #2 Today is not the day of the free give away. acrylic on 140lb coldpressed watercolor paper 9x12 matted in a white acid free matt, size 11x14 when matted Media: acrylic Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $5 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Irish Sheep

Iris Sheep 5x7 watercolor Today is not the day of the free give away please check back.

Staregazer Lilies

Staregazer Lilies About This Painting: Staregazer Lilies painted in watercolors on 140 lb coldpressed watercolor paper. The painting is 9x12 and matted in a white acid free matt to measure 11x14. Free Give Away in September: I will give away a small painting sometime this month. Check back daily on my blog to see what day I announce the free give away.When I make the announcement you will have 24 hours to email me for a chance to win. Media: watercolor Size: 9 in X 11 in (22.9 cm X 27.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email


Sunflowers About This Painting: Watercolor 18x23 matted size 24x20 shipped flat Size: 23 in X 18 in (58.4 cm X 45.7 cm) Price: $100 USD SOLD Or, send me an email

Pole Cat (click here to bid)

Description of artwork This work will be shipped in a clear acid free bag to protect your investment Title: Pole Cat Style: realism Size: 8.5x5.5 Colors: green,yellow,brown,white Matted: yes in a white acid free matt Medium: watercolor Support: 140 lb watercolor paper Shipping: USPS Priority Ready to Hang: no needs to be framed Signature: Always Signed

On the Lake

On the Lake About This Painting: On the Lake watercolor on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper 22x30 Media: watercolor Size: 30 in X 22 in (76.2 cm X 55.9 cm) Price: $300 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $300 USD plus $30 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Row Boat-SOLD

Row Boat About This Painting: Row Boat watercolor done on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper 8.5x5.5 Media: watercolor Size: 5.5 in X 8.5 in (14 cm X 21.6 cm) How to Purchase:SOLD

Boats at Sail -SOLD

Boats at Sail About This Painting: SOLD Boats at Sail Watercolor on 140lb cold pressed watercolor paper.The painting is 22x30. Media: watercolor Size: 20 in X 22 in (50.8 cm X 55.9 cm)

The winner get her painting

Hello Delilah! I received the painting recently. And it is absolutely stunning! I love it so much! I look forward to seeing more of your artwork on the blog. Thanks again! Regards, Lyn

Sunflowers No.2

Sunflowers No.2 About This Painting: Sunflowers No.2 Oil on paper. This a study done in bold bright colors with loose brush strokes. It is matted to a 14x11 size. Media: oil Size: 8.5 in X 11 in (21.6 cm X 27.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Roots Series

Watercolor 12x9

Dry Dock

Dry Dock About This Painting: When I was visiting in Mexico I saw this abandon boat. I took several pictures and finally decided to paint it.It is watercolor on clayboard. This painting is not on paper I am trying something new and thought I would post it here because it is a watercolor. Media: watercolor Size: 7 in X 5 in (17.8 cm X 12.7 cm) Price: $25 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $25 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Bougainvilleas in Greece

If you love Bougainvillea's then you must go to the Greek Islands. The White walls,blue shutters, and wonderful Bougainvillea's paint their own picture. Greece was breathtaking when I was there, the sky the water, the windmills. The is a watercolor on 140lb watercolor paper and is 12x9

Free Painting Winner

And The Winner Is!!!! Congratulations to Lyn, of Auckland, New Zealand! The name was drawn as the winner of the free painting. Lyn said ,That looking at the paintings on my blog was something to look forward to each day. The choices are so beautiful, the cupcake being the favorite choice. I'm pleased to know that, and also to hear from the others who entered the drawing for the giveaway.These giveaways are a lot of fun for me, seeing new names on the entries that come in. It helps me know there are more people out there in cyberspace who are enjoying my work in addition to the folks who comment, or purchase If you were not the lucky winner keep checking back, I had so much fun doing this that I will give away 2 more paintings before the end of the year. Go ahead and Celebrate Lyn

Free Give Away! Today is the DAY!

Free Painting Giveaway Today July 25, 2008 Yes, today's the day! I have given you four painting to chose from! If you're interested in winning one of these paintings, just email me at in the next 24 hours. In your email, please tell me which of these pieces you'd like to win, along with your name and mailing address. This information will not be shared or posted only the winners first name and state or country if not from the US. I will print all the email entries out tomorrow and have my husband draw a name from the hat for the winner. It could be you! There are no strings attached; I'll even pay postage to ship to the winner.You have four choices to pick from 2 oils and 2 watercolor, just pick your favorit. Little Frog watercolor on 140lb coldpressed watercolor paper 8.5x5.5 Small Poppies watercolor on 140lb coldpressed watercolor paper 8.5 x 5.5 Birthday Cupcake No.4 oil on gallery wrapped stretched canvas 6x6 Colorful Peppers Oil on gal...