
Showing posts from 2012

Watercolor Demo on Flower painting

Get Loose and Paint " POST YOUR OPINIONS IN THE COMMENTS" or email me at Keep painting this is fun: Time t Finish this painting: Hope you had as much fun as I did painting this watercolor.

Fish Paintings

Art by Delilah Fish No. 2 About This Painting: Watercolor is often thought of as a non fixable difficult medium to work with. Over working a painting whether it's watercolor or oil can be a real problem. When you think a few more details, one more brush stroke will improve the painting is the beginning of the problem. You can create a real problem of turning the painting into mud by being to fussy. Don't pick up that brush,stop and put the painting down come back to it in a day take another look with fresh eyes. Fish No.2 9x12 watercolor on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Watercolor Painting of Pansies

Precious Pansies About This Painting: I think Pansies are such a happy little flower. I am starting a larger oil painting of pansies and I thought I would warm up with a watercolor. Stop back in tomorrow and see the oil painting at Painting of the Day. Precious Pansies Watercolor on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper 9x12 Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email "post your opinion in the comments" Or, send me an email Thank You: Art by Delilah, with a Passion for Painting

Pink Fish watercolor painting

Pink Fish by Delilah About This Painting: This is one of my fish on a hook series. I put lots of pink in it foe little girls. Pink Fish 9x12 watercolor Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: send me an email

How to paint watercolor floral demo

How to Paint expressive watercolors part 2 This is where we stopped painting in this video. We will start here and put the finishing touch's on the painting in Part 3 Flowers in a Jar WIP ( work in progress) watch the video to see how I got this far

Just Smile You Big Ham

Mr Pig 9x9 watercolor Please let me introduce you to the Hamsome, ( a little tongue in cheek ) Mr Pig.If you would like to get to know him better you can see his complete dating or buying profile on Daily Paint Works. Thank you from the Pig Ā© 2004-2011 Delilah Smith,Art by Delilah

Scarlet Ibis

Scarlet Ibis About This Painting: Scarlet Ibis 9x12 Watercolor Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Let s Paint Flowers part one

If you would like to loosen up your watercolor painting style here is a fun way to loosen up and have a lot of fun doing it. This is the first Video in the series of 3 for this painting. Thanks and I will post part 2 in a few days.

Whimsical watercolor painting

Here's Looking at You About This Painting: The old man is just looking, never too old for that. Here's Looking at You 9x12 watercolor on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email

Porch Hollyhocks painted n watercolors.

Porch Hollyhocks About This Painting: I will post a how to video tomorrow. I have been wanting to get one done for weeks but life seems to get in the way. Right now I am just happy to have the time to paint. Porch Hollyhocks 9x12 watercolor on 200 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email

Sheep Deep

To day I am having a little fun with this whimsical sheep painting. I will be working on a you tube video later today. It is so easy to get lost in all the things that have to be done. I have wanted to start this how to for weeks. well it's time to " getter done." While I work on editing and painting a new watercolor here is a painting to make you laugh. Sheep Deep in Poppies 9x12 watercolor on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Click here to bid on the sheep painting.

Aceo Watercolor

Lets Play 2.5 x 3.5 watercolor aceo Click Here to Bid

Red Strawberries

Red strawberries About This Painting: Red Strawberries watercolor 9x12 on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email

Floral watercolor

A Day with the Lilies About This Painting: A Day witht he Lilies 24 x 18 Watercolor on 200 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 18 in X 24 in (45.7 cm X 61 cm) Price: $430 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $430 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Watercolor painting of Lily Pads and flowers

Lilies of the Water About This Painting: I am overdue to do a watercolor demo, so I will work on one today and hope to get it edited and on line by Friday. Lilies of the Water 9x12 watercolor Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email

SunSet Woods

Sunset Woods About This Painting: Sunset Woods 17x12 acrylic on paper Media: acrylic Size: 12 in X 17 in (30.5 cm X 43.2 cm) Price:Bidding starts at $25 USD How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email

Tooth Fairy Aceo

Art by Delilah This original painting is offered direct from the studio of the artist Delilah Aceo View Large Image original watercolor Details: Title: Tooth Fairy Aceo Size: 2.5 x 3.5 Media: watercolor Date: 2012 About This Piece: Description of artwork: About ACEO Cards: ACEO stands for "Art Cards, Editions and Originals". These cards have one main rule - they are 3.5 inches by 2.5 inches - the size of a trading card. The reason for this is that Art Cards are made to be traded! Art cards are normally available at low prices so that they're available to anyone. Artists from all over the world ar...

Watercolor painting of a cherry martini

Cherry Martini No. 2 12 x 9 watercolor This martini art is available at auction click to go to Delilahs Art Auction.

Polka- Dot Cup

Polka-Dot Cup 12x9 watercolor Painting green is one of the important things to learn when using watercolors. Green right from the tube is just to garish and needs to be mixed with other colors to give it a more natural look You can make your own greens by mixing blues and yellows. I have modified viridian green with blues for the shadows and added a little more cadmium yellow for the sunlight areas. I like to bring in the compliment of green, red. In this painting I have added alizarin crimson to both the edges of the white flowers and areas of leaves. Daily Paint Works, where I often post watercolors paintings had a challenge to paint something with Polka-Dots so this is what I painted. This watercolor is for sale. To purchase Please click here for Polka-Dot Cup.

Communication equals Charisma

Today's Tip Charisma is really about communication. When possible tell how you came up with your creative idea. Why you like this still life set up better then another way. Communication helps your audience relate better to your work and to you as an artist. It can be simply why you used on color or brand of paint over another. Why you used watercolor or oils. You know why you embrace your subject, so share the love of art and inspiration with the world. "post your opinion in the comments" Or, send me an email Thank You: Join Our Email List Email:   For Email Marketing you can trust All images are Ā© 2004-2012 Delilah Smith, Art by Delilah Pin It

Jazz up your Life

Jazz Nothing is hotter than Jazz Music not even these hot June nights so be cool and add this Jazz painting to your collection. This abstract jazz painting is available at auction, Click here to Bid.

Expressionist Watercolor Painting

Expressions of Strawberries About This Painting: Expressions of Strawberries 9x12 watercolor painted on 200 lb cold pressed watercolor paper Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $100 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $100 USD plus $15 USD s/h Or, send me an email

Oil Painting on Paper

Art by Delilah Painting on paper is an art form in itself and there are many areas of technical expertise needed in order to ensure a durable and lasting work of art. There are many thousands of types of paper, ranging form rough cardboard to thin and textured papers. Paper may be bought in different colors or specially prepared. In this exercise I used 140 lb watercolor paper but feel free to give it a try with cheap paper, a simple sketching or pastel paper will work. The method that will be discussed can be used with even the cheapest and least durable papers and the end result will be a very long lasting work of art. 1. Prepare the paper: All that is required are a number of layers of thin acrylic paint or medium on the paper. Three layers should be sufficient, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next. The texture that you might like to create will be determined by the amount of acrylic paint or medium you apply. If you wish to retain the texture of t...

Work comes first

The only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary.ā€ - Vidal Sassoon (1928-2012), Camellia 9x12 Click here to bid I started a state flower series a while back and then got off track doing other things and never finished. I am easily distracted because everything seems like a possible painting to me. The ideas buzz around in my head like wild bees. Today I ran across this floral painting of a Camellia the State Flower of Alabama.  Like the quote at the top of the page: The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. It is summer and I love to paint flowers in watercolor in the summer so I am going to start the series again.

Inspiration comes at odd times

'Little Big Mountain' by Phyllis J. Henson MOBILE, Alabama -- Inspiration comes at odd times, in many forms and almost any venue. Happenstance, a casually observed moment, a travel experience or something more mundane -- a trip to Home Depot or coffee and beignets on a table -- can result in marvelous things Read More Morning Glories 9x12 Watercolor Click here to bid

Toothache Chicken

Toothache Chicken 12x9 click here to bid My friend Carol had a root canal performed the other day and she was in bed with a horribly toothache so I decided to make a card for her about it. Click here to purchase a card

Give Me Poppies

Give Me Poppies Give Me Poppies is a watercolor painting that is 12x9 painted on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper. This water color painting can be purchased for $150.00   by clicking here Cards are available in a package of 10 with the envelops. Click here to purchase.

Painting Demo Yellow Rose

Today I am doing a demo of a watercolor painting of a yellow garden rose. I started with 200 lb cold pressed watercolor paper and drew where I wanted the rose to be. I painted in some of the shadow colors first so I wouldn't love the shape of the flower as I added color washes to it. I started adding some of the base colors and leaving high lights. I load up my palette with lots of color so I don't run out. I add the base steam color and the thorns. I begin adding background washes to the painting. I get darker at the bottom because I want the large rose to be the focus of attention in this painting. The finished painting: A yellow rose click here to bid.