
Showing posts from March, 2012

Fools Gold, fish art

For the month of April I am giving away one of my paintings. I will have a drawing at the end of the month. To have your name entered to win simply make a comment on one of my blogs during the month. Each time you comment your name goes into the drawing to win. The more comments you make during the month the greater your chances to win.I will post the winner at the end of the month. Almost Gold 9x12 watercolor Click here to bidļ»æ

Easter Lillies painted in watercolor

Easter Lilies 9x12 watercolor One of my mothers favorite flowers are Easter Lilies. She is very disappointed if she doesn't get one at Easter. She usually has several but I do remember one year when no one got her one. That mistake will never happen again. I have found that after the are done blooming you can plant the bulbs out and they will come up every year around August. Click here to bid on this painting.

Birthday Peep

Birthday Peep 9x10 watercolor   This paintng is available click here to buy.
Sleepy Sheep 9x12 Watercolor Click here to buy

Nudes, Abstract mixed media

Delilah Smith Nudes 9x12 Mixed Media Click here to bid

Heirloom Tomato and Dragonflies -SOLD

Heirloom Tomato and Dragonflies watercolor 9x12 SOLD

Sunflower watercolor painting

Sunflower 12x9 watercolor Click here to bid


Dragonflies 9x12 Watercolor SOLD

Water Lillies Demo

Delilah Smith Art by Delilah Water Lillies 12x9 watercolor Click here to bid Bidding starts at $25.00

Under the Weather, whimsical chicken art

Under the Weather 9x12 Watercolor $100.00 My step father has been ill and just got home from a hospital stay so I painted this whimsical painting to make cards from so I could send one to him and cheer him up a little. If you need to cheer someone up cards are available here. or buy the painting by clicking here . whimsical paintings

Lilly Pond

Lilly Pond 9x12 Watercolor painting Click here to Bid

Pears and Bees

Delilah Smith Art by Delilah Pears with Bees 9x12 watercolor Click here to bid

Horning In , Abstract Cow Art- SOLD

Delilah Smith Art by Delilah Horning In 9x12 Mixed Media About this painting:  I started out doing a watercolor and then I decided I wanted more color and I moved it into a more abstract work adding more color with acrylic paint. SOLD ļ»æ

Red Rose- SOLD

Red Rose 7x5 Watercolor SOLD

When the Cow Come Home Painting Demo

Art by Delilah I have done a quick demo of how I painted the cows below. I start with 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper. I use masking tape to tape it down to a piece of hardboard. I buy a 4 x 8 sheet at Lowe's and have them cut it into 20x24 pieces. I work on several watercolors at the same time so when one is drying I can start on another one. Now I have the work taped down so it will not buckle when it is wet. I really like to work on 300 lb paper but for this demo I am using 140 lb. I sketch the cows and the landscape in that I want to paint. I use a test sheet of colors that I may want to use. The one on the right was used in another painting and I have a fresh one for new color mixes that I might want to use. I work from the top down so I don't get my hand in the wet paint. While I wait for the sky to dry I work on the foreground. Now that the sky is just damp I add the background trees and some to the darker areas to the cows. I develop the cow and keep worki...

Spring Lamb

Art by Delilah Spring Lamb 9x12 original watercolor $50.00 This painting is avilable at my Etsy Store. Click here to Buy

Cow Watercolor

Delilah Smith Art by Delilah This is a 9x12 watercolor painting. It is painted on 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper. To view more cow art click here . To buy $100.00ļ»æ Click Here to Buy