When the Cow Come Home Painting Demo
I have done a quick demo of how I painted the cows below.
I start with 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper. I use masking tape to tape it down to a piece of hardboard. I buy a 4 x 8 sheet at Lowe's and have them cut it into 20x24 pieces. I work on several watercolors at the same time so when one is drying I can start on another one.
Now I have the work taped down so it will not buckle when it is wet. I really like to work on 300 lb paper but for this demo I am using 140 lb.
I sketch the cows and the landscape in that I want to paint.
I use a test sheet of colors that I may want to use. The one on the right was used in another painting and I have a fresh one for new color mixes that I might want to use.
I work from the top down so I don't get my hand in the wet paint.
While I wait for the sky to dry I work on the foreground.
Now that the sky is just damp I add the background trees and some to the darker areas to the cows.
I develop the cow and keep working on the landscape.
I darken the sky and work on the foreground.
I add more detail to the cows and their tails LOL , okay that was bad.
The color mixes I used for this painting
When the Cows Come Home
Thank you for viewing my artwork. I will post a new demo each Monday. and other painting during the week so check back often.