
Showing posts from August, 2016

Whimsical Ostrich watercolor painting

Two of a Kind 11x15 watercolor I started very light with with a yellow ocher watercolor wash. When I was about half way done I put in the background wash letting it dry then going back to deepen some areas. I though I was finish then stepping back, always a good thing to do I realized I had too much medium tone values and needed dark's so I darken areas of the Ostrich in the final wash try to keep the fluffy areas I had created earlier around the head of the Ostrich. These two happy little guys are ready for breakfast now. Two of a Kind,Ostrich About This Painting: Two of a Kind watercolor 11x15 inch Media: watercolor Size: 15 in X 11 in (38.1 cm X 27.9 cm) How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email All Work Ā©2006-2016 Art by Delilah

Bumble Bee watercolor Painting

I drew where I want the bee very lightly then I painted the sky colors letting them bleed together wet into wet. After the colors had dried a added a second wash in areas around the wings to create a negative image. Simply defined, negative painting is the practice of painting the space around an object, rather than the object itself. It is a great skill to learn as it helps an artist learn to view images as shapes and contours, and in watercolor it is sometimes the only way to keep areas of a painting light in value, while darkening the values around the object. Bee Back 9x12  watercolor Click here to buy. All Work Ā©2006-2016 Art by Delilah

Whimsical Mermaid

Today's watercolor is fanciful and fun. Something for the beach house to add some cheer. Playful Mermaid 14x24 Click here to view All Work Ā©2006-2016 Art by Delilah

Poppies in the Field

I paint Poppies often. I think most of the time I let the poppies paint them selves with the flow of colors in the petals. I often us the white of the paper for the background but on today's painting I have used some very light color washes.The key to Poppy painting is keep it simple and elegant. Watercolor requires patience. You must let the colors dry before adding more color or the colors will blend and become muddy.You want to keep those jewel bright colors in you painting. Poppies in the Field 200.00 Click here to buy All Work Ā©2006-2016 Art by Delilah

Painting Aceos,Artist trading Cards

I paint a few aceo each week. ACEO is an acronym that stands for Art Cards Editions and Originals. You probably have also heard the ONLY rule is the size, which is 2.5 x 3.5 inches (6.4 x 8.9 cms) just like sports cards but far more addictive. I use them to try out different ideas and maybe do a large painting. Mine are mostly watercolor but any media can be used. I post them on Ebay. They can be view here.  If you paint aceo please send me a comment with a picture and I will post here. Thanks Delilah Orange Eyed Frog Click here to buy All Work Ā©2006-2016 Art by Delilah

Beach Shack

Beach Shack 23x18 watercolor Click here to buy I painted the ocean and the beach lighter to offset the darkness of the old beach shack.It seemed like I had to much water in the background with nothing interesting in it so I added the sailboats. All Work Ā©2006-2016 Art by Delilah