
Showing posts from October, 2013

Night Owls

Night Owls About This Painting: Night Owls 12x9 watercolor painting on 140 lb watercolor paper Media: watercolor painting Size: 9 in X 12 in (22.9 cm X 30.5 cm) How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email

Owls,reindeer,sheep...What next?

Reindeer and Christmas Owl About This Painting: One thing leads to another when I start painting. Last week I painted an owl. He was a cute chubby little guy. I liked the way the whimsical little guy turned out so I thought I should do a few more: So I then painted a small aceo owl only 3.5 x 2.5, I played around with the look of the feathers. I liked the way it's feathers had a fluffy look to them  and I think I will try to get this feel in a larger work but something about the branch got me thinking about reindeer( a little ADCD) . I forgot about the feathers for the moment  and wanting to start to think Reindeer. I wanted a few Christmas paintings and that lead me to the Reindeer and the Christmas Owl. And because I was up all night painting I started thinking about being a Night owl and how I need friends that were night owls also which turned into this painting: The above paintings are available at my Ebay Store. Feel free to contact me with...

Owl watercolor paintings

Reindeer and Christmas Owl About This Painting: One thing leads to another when I start painting. Last week I painted an owl I liked the way the whimsical little guy turned out so I thought I should do a few more: So I then painted a small aceo owl only 3.5 x 2.5, I liked the way it's feathers had a fluffy look to them  and I think I will try to get this feel in a larger work but something about the branch got my thinking about reindeer and wanting to start a few Christmas paintings and that lead me to the Reindeer and the Christmas Owl. And because I was up all night painting I started thinking about being a Night owl and how I need friends that were nigh owls also which turned into this painting: The above paintings are available at my Ebay Store. Feel free to contact me with any questions. Reindeer and Christmas Owl 12x9 watercolor Media: watercolor painting Size: 9 in X 12 in (22.9 cm X 30.5 cm) How to Purchase: click here to b...

Fuzzy Cow

Fuzzy Cow 12x9 Watercolor Painting Click here to bid on this painting

A Flurry of Feathers

A Flurry of Feathers watercolor  9x12 The bidding starts on this at 49.99 Stop in at my Ebay store Delilah's Art and bid or just look. I have many more farm animals available Thanks

Crossed Eyed Rooster

Cross Eyed Rooster About This Painting: When my day get busy and there is no end in sight I like to take some time to make myself laugh, so I create something whimsical. This cross eyed rooster did the trick for me. Now it's off to bed and a good night sleep. Cross Eyed Rooster 12x9 watercolor Painting Media: watercolor painting Size: 9 in X 12 in (22.9 cm X 30.5 cm) Price: $50 USD How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email "post your opinion in the comments" Or, send me an email Thank You:

New Watercolors For Sale

To day was one of those days where I think I was running backwards all day Here are the painting that I posted to my ebay store. To see more of my work click here to go to my ebay store Delilah's Art.

Baby Snail Watercolor painting

Baby Snail 9x12 Watercolor I started this painting about two weeks ago and I have been working on it a little everyday since then.It finally came to fruition last nigh and I was ready to find a mushroom and fall asleep also.  I had started with just the idea of the little baby face for a snail, then I added the candy cane like shell. After I had that worked on I realized the snail was not large enough to stand alone and need an environment to live in, I painted a few mushrooms and after letting it sit for a day or two add a few more. It still didn't feel right so I put the baby on a grassy knoll. The painting is available at my ebay store Delilah's Art for $40.00

Lady Bugs, what bugs you?

I had someone ask me to paint a Ladybug aceo for them. About ACEO Cards: ACEO stands for "Art Cards, Editions and Originals". These cards have one main rule - they are 3.5 inches by 2.5 inches - the size of a trading card. The reason for this is that Art Cards are made to be traded! Art cards are normally available at low prices so that they're available to anyone. Artists from all over the world are creating, and now selling these highly collectible art cards in many different mediums. Watercolor, Oil, Acrylic, Colored Pencil, Pastels, Petrography, Pen and Ink, Sketching, Collage - the sky is the limit. Abstract, Surrealism, Outsider Art, Impressionism, Expressionism -every style you can think of - and then some! Extremely collectible Pocket Art, you can't stop at just one! They can be displayed as artworks - hung in decorative frames either individually or in groups. It is signed and dated on the back. When I got started on the little aceo ...

Whimsical Watercolor Paintings

Take the time to smile here are a few whimsical watercolor to add joy to your life and a smile to your face.

Squirrel and Acorn

Squirrel and Acorn About This Painting: I have been working out in the yard trimming fruit trees and planting fall bulbs and while I was working away this little guy was storing food for the winter. Squirrel and Acorn watercolor 12x9 Media: watercolor Size: 9 in X 12 in (22.9 cm X 30.5 cm) Price: $40 USD How to Purchase: click here to bid on this painting Or, send me an email "post your opinion in the comments" Or, send me an email Thank You: Art by Delilah, with a Passion for Painting All Images Ā© 2006-2013

Cow Watercolor Art

Brown Cow About This Painting: I am back on the farm again today painting away. I always wonder when I was a kid how cows could walk with such big tummies? I still have not finished my large oil painting of a cow that I started for ArtPrize. When I found out I could  not get a venue to sponsor me I gave up on it. I will get back to painting it again soon. I just lost my motivation for awhile.  When I went to ArtPrize this year and I saw all the empty space that some venues had I just didn't understand why so many artist were turned away? As artist we must stay focused and motivated. I haven't stop painting, I just lost the desire to work on the big cow. I think I will finish it and take it to Ann Arbor art fair next year. I have been asked backed. Normally I would not take something that large to a street show, but what the heck it would be fun to see the reactions.Maybe i will be the year of the cow.. Brown Cow 9x12 watercolor painting on 140 lb wat...

Boo Cows on the Loose

Boo Cows No. 2 About This Painting:  Remember these old Cows from last year? Well they are getting ready to come to your house Trick-or-Treating. I did a small watercolor last year and decided to paint a larger one this year. So put on your black mask and join in the fun. Boo Cows No. 2 This a 9x12 watercolor painted on 140 lb watercolor paper. Media: watercolor Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $50 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $50 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email "post your opinion in the comments" Or, send me an email Thank You: Art by Delilah, with a Passion for Painting All Images Ā© 2006-2013

Pink Flowers

Pink Flowers About This Painting: Pink Flowers Sometimes you just feel very pink. 9x12 watercolor Media: watercolor painting Size: 12 in X 9 in (30.5 cm X 22.9 cm) Price: $50 USD How to Purchase: Buy this painting on PayPal Price: $50 USD plus $10 USD s/h Or, send me an email